Disability Graduation

The Disability Cultural Center is proud to host Disability Graduation alongside our campus partners. Disability Graduation is hosted in May and December as an opportunity to celebrate our disabled graduates and graduates from the Disability Studies Program.

There are several ways for graduates to participate in Disability Graduation

Disability Graduation Reception & Speakers

Disability Graduation will take place on Thursday, May 9th from 1-3pm in the San Jacinto Multipurpose Room. The event will include a reception and a short ceremony. A livestream will be available for the ceremony part of the event; email outreach.access@austin.utexas.edu to receive the Zoom link. Free parking will be available in the Brazos Parking Garage.

Graduate Celebration Packages

We are excited to offer our graduates celebration packages to recognize their tremendous accomplishments. Students can pick up their celebration package during Disability Graduation or from the D&A office during regular office hours, starting April 29th, M-F 8am-5pm. Please fill out the RSVP form below to request a package.

Disability Graduation RSVP

Those who want to participate in Disability Graduation by attending the reception and/or by receiving a Celebration package should RSVP by Friday, April 26 using this link: Disability Graduation RSVP

Volunteer Sign Up

We are looking for UT volunteers to help us put on Disability Graduation. Volunteers will help with set up and take down, assisting guests in wayfinding to the space, and supporting activities during the event. If you’re interested in volunteering please sign up here.

Please email outreach.access@austin.utexas.edu with any questions.