Disability Cultural Center

The DCC serves as a hub on campus for community, education and advocacy for disabled students, faculty, staff and all members of the university community. The DCC encourages interpersonal connection and collaborative learning toward more equitable spaces for disabled people in collaboration with other UT departments. Establishing a DCC sends the message that UT Austin recognizes disabled people as an integral part of the campus community. The first of its kind in Texas, the DCC positions UT Austin as a leader in exploring more equitable futures for disabled people who study, teach, and work in higher education.

Group photo of students smiling at disability event

Welcome Students!

Complete our Student Interest Form so we can help you get connected with DCC events, programs and opportunities!

Faculty, staff and students can find ways to connect on our Campus and Community Connections page.

DCC Events

The DCC partners with departments across campus to host disability-related programming. DCC events are designed to provide various opportunities for students, staff and faculty to learn about and promote disability culture, identity, resources and community.

Explore DCC Events

Disability Resources

Padlet Bulletin Board

Contact Us

DCC Director

Emily Shryock at adapted sports night
Emily Shryock

Report a Campus Accessibility Barrier

Click the button below to report an accessibility barrier on campus.

Submit a report

Disability-Related Opportunities

Looking for scholarships, internships, research opportunities specifically for students with disabilities?

Check out our list here!

Request a Presentation

Please visit the D&A outreach presentation page and click the link at the bottom to fill out the form.

Schedule an Accessibility Consultation

Want support around creating accessibility programs, policies, process or physical spaces? Schedule an Accessibility Consultation.

Support the Disability Cultural Center

Interested in learning more about supporting the Disability Cultural Center?

Make a donation or contact:
Heather Miller, Director of Development for Student Affairs

UT Disability Resources

Learn More