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DCC Library

DCC Library 

Welcome to the Disability Cultural Center’s Library! We have a collection of disability-related books and magazines spanning many genres all available for checking out. Materials in the DCC Library will be available to support UT community members with academics and research, as well as personal and professional development related to disability. View our entire catalog on TinyCat.  


The DCC Library was established in January 2024 to provide a resource for the UT community to explore disability through literature. In 2023, UT’s HornRaiser helped us fundraise almost $300 towards the DCC Library, along with the spreading the news and spurring generous donations from all over. This fundraiser began the DCC Library’s journey from an idea into reality. 

Operating Hours/Location 

The DCC library is currently housed on the third floor of the Student Services Building in 3.200. The DCC Library is available for members of the UT community to browse and check out books during the following dates/times or by appointment:

  • Wednesdays: 9:30-11:30 and 1:30-4:30

Materials checked out from the DCC Library can be returned during regular business hours (8am-5pm) Monday-Friday at the front desk of the DCCE Commons in SSB 3.200.

Support the DCC Library

If you are interested in donating books or funding to support the growth of the DCC library, please contact dcc@austin.utexas.edu.

Additional Resources 

 Check out these library resources around Austin: Austin Public Library,  The Ana Sisnett Library at the UT Women’s Community Center and the UT Libraries. 

 Also, APL has a wide variety of audiobooks, check out the Libby app to rent them for free.